Trusted by Recruiters Worldwide

A Few Key Features

Employer and Candidate Portals

Provide unique portals where employers can post jobs, and candidates can search, filter, and apply for positions while tracking their applications.

Subscription-Based Monetization

Monetize your job board by offering employers monthly or annual subscription plans using Tadabase’s native Stripe integration. Customize payment plans and notifications to suit your business needs.

Automated Recruitment Process

Automate key recruitment tasks like interview scheduling, reference verification, rejection emails, and employer notifications for new applications.

Role-Based Access Control

Invite unlimited employers and candidates to access relevant data securely, ensuring privacy and separation of sensitive information.

Job Tracking and Application Management

Candidates can upload resumes, review companies, and manage their job applications while employers can review applicants, schedule interviews, and monitor progress.

Simple Setup, Custom Fit

Why Choose the Tadabase Job Board Template?

The Tadabase Job Board Template provides a complete solution for managing a job board. With built-in automation, subscription monetization, and secure role-based access, it’s a perfect platform to connect employers with candidates while simplifying recruitment workflows.

Easy to Get Started

Set up the Job Board Template quickly and customize it to fit your job board needs. Manage job postings, candidate applications, and subscription plans without any coding required.

Exclusive Benefits Available To You

Automated Recruitment Workflows

Save time by automating interview scheduling, reference checks, and candidate notifications.

Monetize Your Job Board

Generate revenue with subscription-based access for employers using Tadabase’s Stripe integration.

Real-Time Application Management

Employers and candidates can manage jobs and applications in real time, streamlining the recruitment process.

Frequently Asked Questions

The template automates key recruitment tasks such as interview scheduling, reference checks, and sending notifications to both candidates and employers, simplifying the process for everyone involved.

Yes, you can monetize your job board by offering subscription-based access for employers. The template integrates with Stripe, allowing you to customize payment plans and manage subscriptions with ease.

Absolutely. The template is fully customizable, allowing you to tailor job postings, workflows, notifications, and even subscription plans to suit your business requirements.

The template uses role-based access control, ensuring that employers and candidates only access relevant data. Sensitive information is kept private and secure, with login logs, email logs, and user data tracking.

Yes, candidates can upload resumes, review companies, and track their applications in real time through their personalized portal.