Most advanced and flexible

User Access system

Unlimited Users

Unlimited Portals

Role Based Routing

Single Sign On

Granular permissions

Enterprise User Security

Unlimited Users 🤩

At Tadabase, we recognize that collaboration is key to your business success. That's why we don't charge per user or per user role.

Unlimited Portals

Add role-based login portals to your app for seamless collaboration from one source of truth.

Role Based Routing

Individualize the workflow experience for each user by routing specific users to specific pages upon login/logout. With custom profiles, you can also define each user's access to unique fields, views and records.

Granular permissions

Enterprise User Security

Security to make the most cynical CIO happy.
Learn More

Whitelisted Domains

Define which domains can get access to signup and login to your app.

Password Complexity Policies

Ensure your users are using complex passwords.

View/Revoke Sessions

View and track any active logged in session and revoke sessions if necessary.

2 Factor Authentication

Enhance your security by requiring all logins to use a second form of authentication.

Auto Logout

After some define inactivity period, log inactive sessions out of the app.

Password Lifecycle Policies

Ensure passwords are cycled after a certain timeframe and previously used passwords aren't used.

IP Blocking

Block/allow access based on specific IP CIDR blocks.

Login Logs

View history of all logins and prior sessions.

User blocking

Block users after several failed login attempts.

Geo Location Logging

Require users to share their address when logging in to ensure proper logging of access.





HR Management