What Is Citizen Development? - Facts and History

View All Blogs Sep 19, 2024 — 16 min read


Imagine you’ve spotted a bottleneck in your team's workflow. You know exactly what needs fixing, but getting IT to build a custom app could take months. Now, what if you didn’t have to wait? What if you, or anyone on your team, could just create the app yourself? This is the essence of citizen development—empowering non-technical employees to solve business problems by building their own tools, without writing a single line of code.

Citizen development is reshaping the way businesses operate, turning regular employees into problem-solvers with the help of low-code and no-code platforms. But how did we get here? Let’s take a look at the history behind this movement and why it’s gaining so much momentum today.

What Is Citizen Development?

Citizen development allows people without a formal software development background to create apps, automate processes, and improve workflows using platforms that simplify programming. Think of it as a DIY toolkit for business solutions. With the right low-code or no-code tools, anyone in the company can design apps that meet their specific needs without relying on IT or outside developers.

According to Gartner, a citizen developer is “a user who creates new business applications for consumption by others using development and runtime environments sanctioned by corporate IT.” Similarly, Forrester defines citizen developers as “business experts that are capable of delivering apps relying on spreadsheets, desktop databases, and similar tools.”

Essentially, these definitions point to the same idea: citizen developers are non-technical employees empowered to build apps through low-code or no-code platforms, making it possible for them to innovate without needing to rely on IT departments.

Why Citizen Development Is Taking Off

It’s no secret that the demand for custom software has exploded. In fact, the shortage of skilled software developers is so severe that The US Labor Department estimates we’ll be facing an 85.2 million worker gap in tech roles by 2030. That’s where citizen development comes in—it gives organizations a way to innovate quickly and fill the gaps left by this talent shortage. Gartner has even predicted that by 2025, 70% of new apps will be built using low-code or no-code tools.

But let’s back up. Citizen development isn’t just about patching up a developer shortage—it’s about agility, empowerment, and making business solutions more accessible. With citizen development, your HR team can build a custom employee management tool, or your operations department can automate workflow processes—all without needing to submit a single IT request ticket.

A Brief History of Citizen Development

While the term "citizen development" might sound new, its origins can be traced back to the late 1990s and early 2000s. Back then, tools like Microsoft Excel and Access allowed non-technical users to automate tasks and create basic databases. These tools gave users a taste of software creation without needing coding skills, paving the way for what we now call citizen development.

The adoption of Microsoft Excel in the early 1990s is one of the earliest examples of citizen development. Business users outside of IT began to build macros to automate routine processes, laying the groundwork for today’s low-code tools. The increasing familiarity with technology has only fueled this trend, as more users recognize how they can leverage these tools to make their work easier.

The real shift came in 2014 when Gartner officially coined the term "citizen developer" to describe non-IT professionals creating business applications using IT-sanctioned platforms. You can read Gartner’s original insights on this trend here.

The rise of cloud computing and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) in the 2010s made it even easier for businesses to embrace low-code platforms, removing the need for costly on-premise infrastructure. From there, companies like Tadabase, Microsoft Power Apps, and OutSystems emerged as leaders in this space, offering platforms that democratized software development.

Why Should You Care About Citizen Development?

So, what’s the big deal? Why are companies like Unilever and Pfizer investing heavily in low-code tools and empowering employees to become citizen developers?

  • Speed and Agility: The traditional development cycle can be slow and bogged down by red tape. With citizen development, employees can solve their own problems, creating apps in a matter of days or even hours.

  • Cost Savings: Instead of hiring more developers or outsourcing work, citizen development enables companies to save money while still innovating. You’re putting the power in the hands of the people who know your business best.

  • Empowering Employees: When employees have the tools to create their own solutions, they become more engaged and invested in the business’s success. This drives creativity and ownership across teams.

  • Frees Up IT for Critical Work: IT departments are often stretched thin, managing infrastructure, security, and other core functions. Allowing business teams to handle their own small-scale development frees up IT to focus on more strategic projects.

Benefits of Citizen Development

While there’s no replacing the expertise of a well-staffed IT team, citizen development offers several key advantages that businesses across all industries can benefit from:

  • Save Time: With citizen development, employees can build solutions themselves without waiting on IT, leading to a faster turnaround. According to research from Kintone and Unisphere, citizen developers can produce an app in just a few weeks, compared to the months it often takes traditional IT departments.

  • Save Money: By empowering employees to build their own tools, businesses can reduce the need to hire expensive engineers. Low-code platforms are also more cost-effective than traditional full-scale coding projects.

  • Boost Productivity and Efficiency: Citizen development frees up IT teams to focus on higher-value projects. Additionally, employees spend less time on repetitive tasks, as they can now automate workflows themselves.

  • Fill the Skills Gap: Forrester estimates that by 2024, the US economy will face a shortage of skilled developers. Citizen developers can help bridge this gap, creating innovative solutions that meet business needs without requiring deep technical expertise.

Real-World Success Stories

One of the best ways to understand the power of citizen development is by looking at companies that have successfully adopted it.

  • Unilever, for example, embraced Microsoft Power Apps to allow employees to create internal apps without relying on IT. One app tracks safety incidents in real-time, helping the company improve workplace safety— and it was built entirely by non-technical staff.

  • Here at Tadabase, we’ve seen teams build custom CRM tools, employee management systems, and even entire workflows without writing a single line of code. For example, a marketing team might build a dynamic content calendar that updates based on campaign performance, or a sales team can develop a tailored CRM that adapts to their specific workflows.

These success stories highlight how citizen developers aren’t just creating apps—they’re solving real business problems. Here's how you can get started.

How to Get Started with Citizen Development

If you’re interested in introducing citizen development into your organization, start by conducting an audit of common IT requests and identifying which ones could be handled by business units with the right low-code tools.

Next, work with your IT department to evaluate different low-code platforms that best fit your company’s needs. It’s important to ensure that proper infrastructure and governance are in place to support these citizen developers. Once a platform is chosen, provide adequate training to your business teams so they can confidently begin building their own applications.

This will ensure that your organization is set up for success, allowing non-technical teams to create solutions while maintaining oversight from IT.

Best Practices for Citizen Developers

To ensure success with citizen development, it’s essential to follow some key best practices that will help safeguard the quality of applications, maintain security, and foster collaboration between business units and IT departments. Here are the top practices to keep in mind:

1. Work Closely with IT for Oversight

While citizen development enables non-technical users to build applications, collaboration with the IT department is critical to ensure security and scalability. IT teams should help set up the proper governance models and ensure that all applications meet the company’s compliance and security standards. This prevents the risk of shadow IT and ensures that citizen-developed apps can be integrated smoothly with existing systems.

2. Start Small and Scale Gradually

Citizen developers should start with smaller, less complex applications before attempting to tackle larger projects. By focusing on smaller use cases—such as automating a manual process or creating a simple data entry app—citizen developers can become more comfortable with the tools and build confidence. As experience grows, so too can the complexity of the apps being developed.

3. Provide Comprehensive Training

Providing adequate training to citizen developers is crucial for the success of the initiative. Training should cover the features and functionalities of the low-code/no-code platform, best practices for app design, and essential security considerations. This training will empower citizen developers to create more effective, secure, and scalable applications.

4. Use Templates and Pre-Built Components

Most low-code platforms offer templates and pre-built components that can accelerate app development. Citizen developers should leverage these tools to avoid reinventing the wheel. Not only does this speed up development, but it also ensures that apps are built with well-tested components, minimizing errors and bugs.

5. Maintain Clear Documentation

Documenting each app’s design, functionality, and any integration points is important for the long-term success of citizen development. This ensures that future updates or troubleshooting can be handled efficiently, even if the original developer is no longer available. Documentation also helps IT and other stakeholders understand how the app fits within the larger business ecosystem.

6. Regularly Review and Update Applications

As business needs evolve, it’s important that citizen developers periodically review and update the applications they’ve created. This ensures that the apps remain relevant, efficient, and secure. Regular updates can also incorporate feedback from end users, helping to refine and improve the functionality of the app.

7. Incorporate Feedback Loops

Citizen development should be a collaborative process, not a siloed one. Ensure there are feedback loops in place where users can report issues, suggest improvements, and request new features. This helps citizen developers refine their applications and ensures that the tools are truly meeting the needs of the users.

8. Prioritize Security

Security should be a top priority for citizen developers. Although low-code platforms often provide built-in security features, it’s essential to follow best practices for securing applications. This includes managing user permissions, securing sensitive data, and ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations such as GDPR or HIPAA if applicable.

9. Focus on User Experience (UX)

Even though citizen developers are not professional coders, they should still focus on creating apps that are easy to use and intuitive. Paying attention to the user experience (UX) is crucial to ensure adoption across the business. Keep designs simple, use clear navigation, and test the app with real users to gather feedback on usability.

10. Track Metrics and KPIs

Once an application is live, it’s important to track its performance through key performance indicators (KPIs). Citizen developers should regularly review metrics such as app usage, error rates, and user feedback to ensure the app is delivering value. This data can be used to optimize the app over time and demonstrate the impact of citizen development on the organization.

By following these best practices, businesses can ensure that their citizen development efforts lead to secure, effective, and scalable applications, all while empowering employees and reducing reliance on the IT department.

The Future of Citizen Development

Looking ahead, citizen development is poised to become an even bigger part of the digital landscape. As businesses increasingly adopt low-code/no-code platforms, the role of the citizen developer will continue to evolve. We’ll see platforms incorporating more advanced technologies like AI and machine learning, allowing citizen developers to build even more sophisticated applications.

According to Research and Markets, the low-code development market will generate $187 billion by 2030, further cementing its place in the enterprise world.


Citizen development isn’t just about building apps; it’s about transforming how businesses operate. It empowers employees, increases agility, and brings innovation within reach of everyone—not just those with technical skills. By adopting citizen development, businesses can foster a culture of creativity and problem-solving, all while reducing the strain on IT departments.

Want to see how Tadabase can help your team unlock its potential through citizen development? Explore our platform and see what you can build.

Discover the Power of No-Code with Tadabase

Frequently Asked Questions

What is citizen development?

Citizen development refers to the practice where non-technical business users, often called citizen developers, create applications and automate workflows using low-code or no-code platforms. These tools allow users with little to no programming experience to build applications that solve business problems, often without relying on the IT department. This approach empowers employees across departments to innovate, save time, and enhance productivity.

What does a citizen developer do?

A citizen developer is a non-professional coder, usually from a business department like marketing, HR, or operations, who creates applications to meet business needs. Using low-code or no-code platforms, citizen developers automate processes, create internal apps, and solve bottlenecks without needing to involve the IT team. Their work can range from automating routine tasks to building complex, custom solutions tailored to their team’s unique needs.

What are the benefits of citizen development?

The benefits of citizen development include:

  • Faster turnaround: Employees can build solutions without waiting on IT, speeding up the development process.
  • Cost savings: Companies reduce the need for external developers and cut down on development costs.
  • Increased productivity: Employees can automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflows.
  • Empowered workforce: Citizen developers take control of their own tools, fostering creativity and ownership.
  • Bridging the skills gap: With a shortage of skilled developers, citizen development helps fill the gap with non-technical employees.

How does citizen development differ from traditional development?

Traditional development relies on professional software developers who use high-code programming languages to build custom applications. This process is often time-consuming, requiring multiple stages of design, testing, and deployment. In contrast, citizen development allows non-technical employees to use low-code or no-code tools, which provide pre-built templates and drag-and-drop functionality to quickly create apps without writing code. While traditional development is better suited for complex, large-scale projects, citizen development is ideal for quicker, simpler solutions.

Is citizen development safe for businesses?

Yes, citizen development can be safe if properly managed. Many low-code and no-code platforms have built-in security measures, and IT teams can oversee and govern the development process to ensure compliance with company standards. To ensure security, businesses should:

  • Implement a strong governance model.
  • Ensure proper IT oversight to prevent shadow IT (unsanctioned software use).
  • Provide adequate training for citizen developers on best practices.

What tools do citizen developers use?

Citizen developers typically use low-code and no-code platforms to create applications. Popular tools include:

  • Tadabase: A powerful platform for building custom business applications without writing code.
  • Microsoft Power Apps: A low-code platform that integrates with the Microsoft ecosystem to create custom apps.
  • OutSystems: A low-code platform for complex enterprise-grade apps.
  • Zoho Creator: A no-code platform used to build custom apps for business processes. These platforms simplify app development through drag-and-drop functionality, pre-built components, and automated workflows.

What industries benefit most from citizen development?

Citizen development is beneficial across various industries, but it is particularly impactful in:

  • Finance: To create internal tools for data processing and compliance tracking.
  • Healthcare: For patient management systems and workflow automation.
  • Retail: To develop custom CRM systems and inventory management tools.
  • Education: For automating administrative processes and enhancing learning management systems.
  • Manufacturing: For streamlining supply chain operations and tracking production efficiency.

Can citizen development replace IT departments?

No, citizen development is not a replacement for IT departments but a complement to them. While citizen developers can build simpler applications and automate workflows, IT professionals are still essential for maintaining infrastructure, ensuring security, managing complex software development, and overseeing enterprise-wide technology strategies. Citizen developers handle smaller, department-level tasks, freeing IT to focus on critical and more complex projects.

How do companies manage citizen development?

To manage citizen development effectively, companies should:

  • Implement clear governance policies to ensure that the apps created align with the organization's security and compliance standards.
  • Provide adequate training and resources for citizen developers to create secure, efficient, and functional apps.
  • Set up collaboration between IT and business departments, allowing IT teams to provide oversight, while business teams build the applications they need.
  • Use low-code/no-code platforms that have built-in controls for IT monitoring and auditing.

Can citizen developers build enterprise-level applications?

While citizen developers are highly effective in building department-level applications and automating workflows, enterprise-level applications often require more advanced development skills. However, with the continued evolution of low-code and no-code platforms, citizen developers can contribute to larger projects under IT supervision, helping to prototype and streamline aspects of the development process before professional developers take over for more complex needs.

What training is required to become a citizen developer?

Becoming a citizen developer doesn’t require formal programming training. However, companies should provide training on how to use low-code/no-code platforms, basic app design principles, and best practices for security and data management. Many platforms like Tadabase offer easy-to-understand tutorials, templates, and resources that enable employees to start building apps quickly.

What are the common challenges of citizen development?

While citizen development offers many benefits, it also comes with challenges:

  • Governance issues: Without proper oversight, apps can be created without adhering to company security or compliance standards.
  • Shadow IT risks: Employees might create applications outside of IT’s knowledge, leading to potential security vulnerabilities.
  • Training gaps: Without adequate training, apps may not be optimized for performance or scalability.
  • Integration difficulties: Apps created by citizen developers may need to integrate with larger systems, which can sometimes be difficult without IT support.

How can I get started with citizen development?

To get started with citizen development:

  1. Identify your department’s pain points or bottlenecks that could benefit from a custom solution.
  2. Work with IT to choose a low-code/no-code platform that suits your needs, such as Tadabase or Microsoft Power Apps.
  3. Ensure proper training for employees to understand how to use the tools.
  4. Implement a governance model to oversee app development and ensure security and compliance.
  5. Start building and iterating on small applications before scaling to more complex projects.

Published by

Sariva Sherman

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