Available Action and Triggers

Find Parking Rights by License Plate Number

Find Parking Rights by License Plate Number in Parkmobile when a new record is created in your app

Find Parking Rights by Signage Zone Code

Find Parking Rights by Signage Zone Code in Parkmobile when a new record is created in your app

Find Parking Rights by Space Number

Find Parking Rights by Space Number in Parkmobile when a new record is created in your app

Find Parking Rights by Range of Signage Zone Codes

Find Parking Rights by Range of Signage Zone Codes in Parkmobile when a new record is created in your app

Find Parking Rights by Range of Space Numbers

Find Parking Rights by Range of Space Numbers in Parkmobile when a new record is created in your app

Find Parking Rights by ID

Find Parking Rights by ID in Parkmobile when a new record is created in your app

Update a Parking Right

Update a Parking Right in Parkmobile when a new record is created in your app

Activate a Parking Right

Activate a Parking Right in Parkmobile when a new record is created in your app

Search for Parking Rights

Search for Parking Rights in Parkmobile when a new record is created in your app

Retrieve Properties of Zones

Retrieve Properties of Zones in Parkmobile when a new record is created in your app

Retrieve Properties of Supplier

Retrieve Properties of Supplier in Parkmobile when a new record is created in your app

Find Parking Rights by License Plate Number

Find Parking Rights by License Plate Number in Parkmobile when a task is processed in your app

Find Parking Rights by Signage Zone Code

Find Parking Rights by Signage Zone Code in Parkmobile when a task is processed in your app

Find Parking Rights by Space Number

Find Parking Rights by Space Number in Parkmobile when a task is processed in your app

Find Parking Rights by Range of Signage Zone Codes

Find Parking Rights by Range of Signage Zone Codes in Parkmobile when a task is processed in your app

Find Parking Rights by Range of Space Numbers

Find Parking Rights by Range of Space Numbers in Parkmobile when a task is processed in your app

Find Parking Rights by ID

Find Parking Rights by ID in Parkmobile when a task is processed in your app

Update a Parking Right

Update a Parking Right in Parkmobile when a task is processed in your app

Activate a Parking Right

Activate a Parking Right in Parkmobile when a task is processed in your app

Search for Parking Rights

Search for Parking Rights in Parkmobile when a task is processed in your app

Retrieve Properties of Zones

Retrieve Properties of Zones in Parkmobile when a task is processed in your app

Retrieve Properties of Supplier

Retrieve Properties of Supplier in Parkmobile when a task is processed in your app

Find Parking Rights by License Plate Number

Find Parking Rights by License Plate Number in Parkmobile when a page is loaded in your app

Find Parking Rights by Signage Zone Code

Find Parking Rights by Signage Zone Code in Parkmobile when a page is loaded in your app

Find Parking Rights by Space Number

Find Parking Rights by Space Number in Parkmobile when a page is loaded in your app

Find Parking Rights by Range of Signage Zone Codes

Find Parking Rights by Range of Signage Zone Codes in Parkmobile when a page is loaded in your app

Find Parking Rights by Range of Space Numbers

Find Parking Rights by Range of Space Numbers in Parkmobile when a page is loaded in your app

Find Parking Rights by ID

Find Parking Rights by ID in Parkmobile when a page is loaded in your app

Update a Parking Right

Update a Parking Right in Parkmobile when a page is loaded in your app

Activate a Parking Right

Activate a Parking Right in Parkmobile when a page is loaded in your app

Search for Parking Rights

Search for Parking Rights in Parkmobile when a page is loaded in your app

Retrieve Properties of Zones

Retrieve Properties of Zones in Parkmobile when a page is loaded in your app

Retrieve Properties of Supplier

Retrieve Properties of Supplier in Parkmobile when a page is loaded in your app

Find Parking Rights by License Plate Number

Find Parking Rights by License Plate Number in Parkmobile when a record is loaded in your app

Find Parking Rights by Signage Zone Code

Find Parking Rights by Signage Zone Code in Parkmobile when a record is loaded in your app

Find Parking Rights by Space Number

Find Parking Rights by Space Number in Parkmobile when a record is loaded in your app

Find Parking Rights by Range of Signage Zone Codes

Find Parking Rights by Range of Signage Zone Codes in Parkmobile when a record is loaded in your app

Find Parking Rights by Range of Space Numbers

Find Parking Rights by Range of Space Numbers in Parkmobile when a record is loaded in your app

Find Parking Rights by ID

Find Parking Rights by ID in Parkmobile when a record is loaded in your app

Update a Parking Right

Update a Parking Right in Parkmobile when a record is loaded in your app

Activate a Parking Right

Activate a Parking Right in Parkmobile when a record is loaded in your app

Search for Parking Rights

Search for Parking Rights in Parkmobile when a record is loaded in your app

Retrieve Properties of Zones

Retrieve Properties of Zones in Parkmobile when a record is loaded in your app

Retrieve Properties of Supplier

Retrieve Properties of Supplier in Parkmobile when a record is loaded in your app

Find Parking Rights by License Plate Number

Find Parking Rights by License Plate Number in Parkmobile When a form is validated in your app

Find Parking Rights by Signage Zone Code

Find Parking Rights by Signage Zone Code in Parkmobile When a form is validated in your app

Find Parking Rights by Space Number

Find Parking Rights by Space Number in Parkmobile When a form is validated in your app

Find Parking Rights by Range of Signage Zone Codes

Find Parking Rights by Range of Signage Zone Codes in Parkmobile When a form is validated in your app

Find Parking Rights by Range of Space Numbers

Find Parking Rights by Range of Space Numbers in Parkmobile When a form is validated in your app

Find Parking Rights by ID

Find Parking Rights by ID in Parkmobile When a form is validated in your app

Update a Parking Right

Update a Parking Right in Parkmobile When a form is validated in your app

Activate a Parking Right

Activate a Parking Right in Parkmobile When a form is validated in your app

Search for Parking Rights

Search for Parking Rights in Parkmobile When a form is validated in your app

Retrieve Properties of Zones

Retrieve Properties of Zones in Parkmobile When a form is validated in your app

Retrieve Properties of Supplier

Retrieve Properties of Supplier in Parkmobile When a form is validated in your app

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