
Collect and show Addresses using Google Auto Complete to make the address selection quick and error-free.

Advanced Filtering

Set up complex filters by creating as many conditional groups and nested conditions as you see fit and control data outpet by using AND/OR rules.

Advanced Page Customization

Every page has it's own settings for title, slug, status, parent layout, page rules, security, JavaScript, and CSS.

Amazon S3

Automatically store and access your Tadabase app files within your own AWS S3 bucket by connecting your AWS account to your Tadabase apps.


Create automations and integrations to and from your apps utilizing the Tadabase API.

App Variables

Create reference-able values that can be used throughout your application. App Variables can range from data related to the logged-in user, to complex record counts of your app's data tables.

Auto Increment

Create a number field that will auto increment with each new record. Choose any starting number when the field is created.


Get the Average value from another table's Number or Currency field.


Active apps are all backed up, encrypted and stored in several secure locations for ultimate disaster recovery.

Basic Formula

Calculate number and currency fields from this table or connected tables.

Batch Operations

Batch update records directly in the builder using defined filters or checkboxes.

Batch Updates

Update groups of records within your data table per the defined action all at once.

Breadcrumb Navigation

Easy breadcrumb navigation in the header at all times to show you exactly where you're holding.

Builder Change Logs

Track all changes performed in the Builder.

Builder Login Emails

Receive an email after each successful login to the Builder.

Button Formats

Buttons can be formatted in a variety of ways including changing button style, fill, color, and size.

Button to get location

Rather than manually typing in an address, expedite data entry with the click of a button to get current location.

Change Slugs

Use custom defined Slugs in your app and change those values directly from the builder.


Create checkboxes as options as selectable options.


Built-in Cloudinary integration facilitates the upload and access process for app images.

Contextual Help

Tooltips and links scattered everywere to help explain some more complex features and settings.

Collapse Components

Collapse components to save room on your screen.

Color Badges

Add a touch of color, or highlight important data by setting colored badges to option fields.


Connect records from one table to another to get the true benefit of a database application.

Connection Diagrams

View diagrams of the relationships between your tables to get a glance at how your data is structured.


Connect your Data Tables together to supercharge your data for faster and easier summarizing, tracking, calculating, reporting, and automation of all your business information.

Copy/Paste Import

Import records from the builder by copy and pasting values directly from a spreadsheet.


Count the total records in another table matching a specific criteria.


CSS can be added to any layout, page, row, column, or component. This level of granular control allows for minor stylized changes to complete appearance overhauls, and everything in-between.


Save and format numbers as a currency with any currency format.

Custom CSS/JS per page/Layout

Custom CSS and Javascript can be placed in each page to keep the custom code organized.

Custom Domain

Configure custom domains for visitors to utilize to access your apps.

Custom Field Options

Each component has settings for the fields displayed within, such as changing field tiles, font styles for labels, helper descriptions, and more.

Custom Layouts

Create consistency across multiple pages in your app by utilizing custom Layouts. Layouts can be created for a specific appearance, workflow, or to restrict users to pages based on status or user role.

Custom Themes

Custom themes can be added to your application by adding custom CSS to a page, a layout, or by linking to an external stylesheet in the app's Custom Header/Footer Code section.


See usage and statistics in a dashboard page to track all the metrics of your app.


Save just a date in a date field. Choose from several date formats to satisfy your region's format.

Date and Time

Easily get date and time from a easy to use calendar dropdown.

Date Formula

Calculate datesand times based on spefied static values or values from other fields. Show output as a date or value such as "10 Days."

Date Range

Create date field with optional end date. Specify an end date, or simply a duration from the start to auto calcualte the end date and time.

Dependent Dropdown

Limit selections in a dropdown select based on a chosen selection of another dropdown. For example, select a Vehicle make and the vehicle Models can be filtered by the selected Make.


Tadabase will automatically generate Entity Relationship Diagrams of connections between Data Tables.

Alpha Features

Get early access to new features by enabling alpha features to see the latest beta and Alpha features.


Connect your personal Dropbox account to your Tadabase app to store and access your app files within your own Dropbox directories.


Create an Email field type to validate values as email and make the value a clickable link to open up the email client. Additionally, use Email fields as an option when sending automated emails.

Email Logs

Verify details for each email sent throughout various processes within your app.


Send out automatic email notifications to your users upon form submission, via action link, or through tasks.


Create complex SQL-like equations with IF/ELSE statements and nearly any function available inside of SQL.


Export your data as CSV files anytime with the click of a button. Create custom export templates to export a specified defined set of columns and data.


Customization doesn't stop inside the application. Set a custom favicon to display in a browser tab.

Field Display Rule

Change a field's background color, font color, font style, and more based on the values of other fields in a component.


Add a publicly accessible or Private file saved and backed up directly in AWS or synced to your own Dropbox account.

Filtered views

Using login status and roles, dynamically determine what data and pages are available to app visitors.


Dynamic filters to show the specified data using SQL-like filtering abilities.

Forced Logout

Manually log users out of active sessions and set up timeout rules when needed.

Form Redirect

Upon form submission, direct users to an app page or external URL based on defined conditions.

Forms Layouts

Using rows and columns, like pages, forms layouts can be built to group related data, or control the flow of data entry.

Google Sheets

Automate your record backup and export process by connecting your Tadabase apps with Google Sheets.

Granular Page Security

Fine tune the security of your app by defining individual page security as well as security options for components within pages.

Header/Foorter custom code

Add custom header and footer code and scripts to add extra functionality to your app.

Hide fields

Using display rules, columns can be hidden based on matching criteria of other visible fields.


Use custom icons to make Data Tables easily recognizalbe.

Icons as Options

Display custom icons instead of default checkboxes, or radio options.


Upload an image and display the image in variety of options in your app.


Import CSV files into your data tables to transfer your existing records to your Tadabase app.

Import Templates

Set up import templates to map your CSV values to your Tadabase data table values and set up rules to determine appropriate behavior based on your imported values.

Inline Editing

Edit records directly inline to avoid having to open additional windows to make changes.


Connect Tadabase apps to Integromat to facilitate connections and automations for your Tadabase app and across other platforms.


The builder is built from the ground up to make the building procss and intuitive. No prior knowledge is required.

IP White Listing

Dynamically manage app security by either allowing or blocking defined IP addresses from accessing your app.


JavaScript can be added to any layout or page to expand the capabilities of your application.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Use our keyboard shortcuts to navigate throughtout the builder quickly.


Create a link field which will format a value as a clickable URL. Choose a custom display text for each URL from another field's value, or use the same text for all fields.

Loading GIF

Choose a custom loading image or gif to display during page loads.

Location Tracking

During a Login session, log User location with full address information.

Lock Tables

Lock a table to ensure shared collaborators don't make any changes to the table or fields.

Login Component

User login components provide a portal for access to secure app pages and data.

Login Logs

Record user login and logout activities to track app activity per user.

Long Text

Accept Long Text with higher charachter limit than regular text fields.


Get the Maximum value from another table's Number or Currency field.


Get the Minimum value from another table's Number or Currency field.

Mobile Friendly

Almost all of the components offered for your application will adapt to mobile devices to create a fluid and easy mobile experience. Zero configuration required.

Multi Select

Dropdown to create options where more than one option can be chosen.

Multi-select updates

Modify batch updates through mutli-select options to ensure only selected records are updated according to the desired change.


Pre-defined field for accepting a Title, First, Middle and Last Name. Choose which of these values you want to request and show as well as the order for them to be displayed.


Save numbers with predefined decimal and thousand seperator into a numeric field.

On-demand Triggers

Create action links and configure task triggers throughout your app to manually run predefined processes across your records.

Password Policy

Configure various password complexity rules from number of characters to special requirements for app users to adhere to.


Save numbers formatted as a Phone Number making the field clickable from a mobile device for placing calls. Choose from over a dozen phone number formats to match your region.


Facilitate your integrations through Tadabase pipes by configuring and running your API calls directly through your Tadabase apps.

Prebuilt Styles

Choose from over a dozen prebuilt themes to create any style. Prebuilt styles give your app a unique appearance by changing font, font size, button colors, and more.

Preview mode

Enable Preview mode to see a light version of your application's structure directly from within the Builder.


Enable users to view and manage their own information associated with their user record.

Quick Add Components

Add componnents with Quick Add to make the process more quick using our questionnaire to populate the component options.

Quick Navigation

Easy navigation to get from page to page and other areas of the Builder.

Quick Start

Get started easily by importing existing data from CSV's or other platforms.


Create predefined radio options with custom color badges to represent each option. Even use an Icon as the selectable item.


Create a rating field with custom rating icon such as stars, hearts, or any Font Awesome Icon.

Record Logs

View details on record changes and additions including who initiated the change, where the record was altered from, and what data is update or added.

Record Rules

Create rules to automatically set values and create new records.

Get started for free

Build the custom database your business deserves.