Todoist is this week's Pipe of the Week!
In the world of task management, Todoist has been a market leader for years now. Tadabase's newest Pipe allows for users to create new projects and tasks in Todoist directly from their app, retrieve project and task details from your Todoist account, and more. For a full list of available actions, I've included a list at the end of this post.
To install the Todoist Pipe, navigate to Pipes and search for Todoist. Click on View More and when prompted, Authorize your account to install the Pipe.
Authorize and Install the Todoist Pipe
Once installed, you can trigger the Todoist Pipe from within your Tadabase app through Table Rules, Form Rules, Scheduled Tasks, Action Links, and on page load through a Data Component Data Source tab.
Keep in mind that in order to modify an existing item in your Todoist account with the Todoist Pipe, you will need the item's unique ID - so make sure you save any ID from the available Pipe responses!
Here's the full list of available actions...
- Get all projects
- Create a new project
- Get a project
- Update a project
- Delete a project
- Get all sections
- Create a new section
- Get a section
- Update a section
- Delete a section
- Create a new task
- Update a task
- Delete a task
- Close a task
- Reopen a task
- Create a new comment
- Update a comment
- Delete a comment
- Create a new label
- Get a label
- Update a label
- Delete a label
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