Unique Portals

Create portals for everyone

Admin Portal

Admin Portal

Empower administrators with full control and oversight to manage and optimize goal-related processes.

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Employee Portal

Employee Portal

Enable employees to set, track, and achieve their individual goals within the organization.

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Employer Portal

Employer Portal

Provide employers with valuable insights and tools to monitor and support employee goal attainment.

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Tadabase Features

Build a portal for everyone

Keep your customers informed about project progress. Simply provide a login, and they will see exactly what you want them to.

Eliminate redundant work

Anything that needs to be done twice should be automated. That's the rule you want to live by.

No bouncing between apps

One app that can load your data from all your different sources. Show your customers their Quickbooks invoices when they login.

Move fast without breaking things

See something that needs to be tweaked, boom, it's live!

Frequently Asked Questions

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To create a new goal, log in as an employee, navigate to the "Goals" portal, and click "Add New Goal."

Yes, as an admin, you can assign goals to specific teams or departments to ensure targeted goal management.

Employees can easily track goal progress through the "My Goals" section, which displays real-time updates.

Employers can utilize customizable reports and charts to gain insights into goal performance and trends.

Yes, Goal Manager is fully responsive and can be accessed on any mobile device for on-the-go goal management.

With the Tadabase Online Course Registration template app, students can browse course catalogs and enroll in open courses that meet their interests, schedules, and credit requirements.

Enrollment is triggered with automated registration capping to open and close registration when custom-defined course capacity levels are met. Customize the messages that will display when students successfully enroll in open courses or attempt to enroll in closed courses that have already reached capacity.

With unique portals secured with logins and role-based user permissions, students can track their courses, instructors can track their courses and enrolled students, and school administration can track all course, student, and faculty information. 

Centralize and secure all sensitive information within student and faculty directories that can only be accessed by the right people at the right times. 

Configure this template as a custom online course registration system personalized to your exact registration processes, or easily scale and build the app out into a robust, all-inclusive education software with gradebook tracking, attendance tracking, and educational research across student averages, gaps, and trends.